Milí priatelia aj návštevníci tohto webu

Milí priatelia aj návštevníci tohto webu

Na web stránke nášho občianskeho zrduženia Vám ponúkame informácie o eventoch a rôznych zaujímavostiach, ktoré nájdete v EVENTY či PROJEKTY





Dear friends & visitors,

Welcome to our new website and thank you for visiting it, we appreciate that :)

Our page is still under construction and constant redesign & updates these days.

We're doing these updates as volunteers in our free time after work (and during many sleepless nights) in order to bring you an interesting and eye-catching content.

That's why it will last some time until everything is updated, but we do believe you will keep on interesting in our website even after one or two weeks when the website should already be finalized.
However, we decided to share our content (even if not finalized) with you guys, so you can watch our progress and keep in touch with us.

At present, we maximize our focus on finishing Slovak version of our website, but we'll be work hard on bringing an English version for you foreign friends and partners afterwards.

By the time it's done, please browse our website on your smartphones, tablets and laptops through the Google Chrome, thus you can get the translation to your prefered languages.

However, you can see some of our activities on the EVENT site or you may click on the pictures in the left section of our website to see what we do at present or what is new on our our web.

We very apreciate your audience and looking forward to hear about you soon.

Sincerely Yours



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